As we grow and mature in G~d, our Authority to effect the atmosphere does as well. So, what does this mean? That if we choose to judge and form opinions about a given situation, topic or person - then we stop the flow of what the Heavenly Realm would want us to know or release... With our spoken words or unspoken thoughts, We can change the flow of ones life... for the better or worse.
As one of my dear friends pointed out - Discernment without Love is judgment.
We are not called to Judge, but to love... Matthew 7:1-5
Don't let your own thoughts get in the way, ask God to help you slow down, pause, and connect with His thoughts first... The Holy Spirit will help you grow in this area. Just Ask, Believe and Receive.
Let the flow, frequency and Love of God be continually released through you!
Blessings, cc